One thing that has stuck out in my mind lately has been a bumper sticker that I have seen a lot. It's so funny how God puts little things here and there for you. This particular sticker says "Don't Postpone Joy". It really stuck out to me because we spend a lot of time running around, always on the go, and sometimes forget little simple things like that. Cleaning, working, laundry, functions. They usually are the things that come first. Most of us live like this: get the work out of the way, and then if there is time we'll play. So of course I googled "Don't postpone joy" and came up with a few things. First of all, in order to put joy back into your life, you have to do a few things. Get out a pencil and paper, and make two columns. One is for "Things that Bring Me Joy" and the other for "Stress". Put 10 in each column. Now, during the week and as you continue doing what you normally do, cancel out some of the stresses with some joy. If writing an English paper=stress, then look at your joyful column and cancel it out with something else. Instead of doing all the laundry this weekend, do a few of the necessary loads and then go outside for the day. Play with your pet, visit some friends, go for a jog. Tomorrow is not always promised and if you were to be gone tomorrow morning, the dirty bathroom will be alright. Upon my google search I found this quote: "
"Don’t ever postpone happiness; now is the time for:Living fully, Loving dearly, Feeling deeply, Hurting profoundly.Exploring the heights and depths of joy and pain, Drinking long fromThe well of life."~Excerpt from “Unwrapped”by Minda Magero
April Fool's is today and it never fails...every year Mollie tries to play trick after trick on me. Today, she made up an email account for OC Tech-one of the schools I have applied to- and sent me a letter of regret, saying I didn't get in the program. I totally fell for it and called my parents and all. That sneaky little thing!
Well, not much has changed here besides these things. Next week, Mommy will be celebrating her 46ish birthday :), Jeremy will be 20 on Thursday, and The puppies will be 6 months the following week!! Wow, everyone is getting old. Here are a few pictures of these lovebugs of mine. (Sorry they are all jumbled up!)

So take some time this week and be joyful! Remember the song: "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us REJOICE and be glad in it!" -Psalm 118:24